Outright CRM
5560 progress road, Indianapolis
United States
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A user daily imports their leads from SugarCRM to Mailchimp software to share Newsletters related to Products. It is taking the time of every individual in your CRM company. The better decision would be to choose SugarCRM Mailchimp Integration (Premium). Because it will save both your time and manual effort. We are offering the functionality of Real-time synchronization. Whatever platform you choose to share your Email Campaign, the next platform gets updated automatically. Nothing time-consuming from now. This SugarCRM Product is for unlimited users and will be supported in every version of Sugar software.
*Proven Functionalities of Mailchimp Integration with SugarCRM plugin*
A complete list below is related to its Features. Make sure to read all the points:
Bi-directional sync is the best functionality here. Choose SugarCRM to share a newsletter, Mailchimp automatically gets updated and vice versa.
The Standard Fields and Custom Fields you created in Mailchimp get synced too. You can work better now on both platforms.
The SugarCRM Mailchimp Integration plugin can sync Target list, Audience data, Email Campaign information, etc.
From now on, you can sync various Mailchimp Accounts with the SugarCRM system. You can assign the account as well to your team.